Sunday, September 23, 2012

Splish Splash July 1994 (Part 4 of 4)

Happy Sunday and welcome back to Chris Mercaldo's Amusement Blog!

I hope you all are having great weekends as we get ready to dive in to our last and final day of pictures from this 1994 visit to Splish Splash Long Island.

Our first picture helps us round out our view of Kiddie Cove as it appeared in 1994.

As mentioned in our first post in this set of pictures, Kiddie Cove has changed very little with the exception of one attraction, the short lived (but great) Kiddie Car Wash.

As a kid that grew up with a Matchbox Super Spin Car Wash playset and many Hot Wheels cars I can attest to the fact that the Kiddie Car Wash was a blast because it literally was a car wash-like water park attraction. Inside were spinning bristles, scrubbers, water jets, and even a mitter curtain.

Above is the exit of the Kiddie Car Wash and you can see the mitter curtain behind me. I tried looking for a side view of the whole Kiddie Car Wash and even looked for images of the identical one that Dorney Park used to have but could not find one. If you have a picture of the Kiddie Car Wash please e-mail it to me so that we can see it!

This attraction slowly broke down season after season to have missing pieces, torn parts of the mitter curtain, and pieces that no longer moved or functioned. In the late 90's the attraction was removed and the area sat vacant for a few seasons before being replaced by this Frog Slide. Today, change has again occurred in this section of the park as the Frog Slide has also gone the way of Yester Splish Splash and is today the Kiddie Area Cabanas.

Our send off for today is a quick shot of my Mom and I going for a nice relaxing ride on the Lazy River. I must have just gotten hit by one of the many obstacles or water jets located all around this Lazy River as I seem to be wiping my eyes of some chlorine! 

To the best of my knowledge, these blue tubes (dark blue for single rider and light blue for double tubes) were those that opened with the park. Later in the 90's through the 2000's yellow tubes were the norm throughout Splish Splash before being mostly replaced by these clear tubes today. The WBAB sponsorship on the tubes has been pretty consistent since '94!

Well folks, as that concludes this set of pictures I truly hope that you have enjoyed our visit to Splish Splash, 1994.

Check back tomorrow as we dive into another era and another park! 

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