Thursday, September 13, 2012

Hersheypark June 1993 (Part 4 of 4)

Welcome to the Amusement Blog for day four here at Hershey! Today is our last and final day here at the park in 1993, and we'll be saying goodbye to 3 year old me for a little while and time warp to another era!

We're in for a real treat today! We have four pictures of some of the Hersheypark walk around candy characters as they appeared in 1993! Let me warn you, they weren't quite as refined back then as they are today!

Designed by Irene Corey Costumes (scroll down, you'll see Mr. Hershey and Miss. Reese on that page), these originals are definitely a little frightening by today's standards, but back in 1993 seem to have worked just fine!

Now, take one last good look at how Hershey Bar and Reese's Cup look today before moving on! You definitely will be glad you did!


Are you sure?!

Alright, here they are!

Yowza! He's not too bad though compared to what's to come! Mr. Hershey Bar is definitely dated by today's standards and was perhaps even looking a little too late 1970's then.

And now this is where it gets a little funky folks. Brace yourselves.

Yup. That just happened. 

Not too many captions for today, these ones really speak for themselves!

A few interesting things:

  • Golden Almond was introduced in 1986 and I thought was a discontinued product. While it might not be sold in convenience stores today, it is available for sale here at the Hershey Store and features an updated package. The product looks great!
  • Mr. Golden Almond shown in these pictures will probably look familiar to anyone who has seen Disney's 1985 film, Return To Oz. Mr. Golden Almond has a face just like Tik Tok, the clockwork mechanical man from that movie. Return To Oz was a flop at the box office but has a large cult following today.

Also, Hersheypark has released three pieces of concept art from back when Hershey Park (two words) transformed from employee recreational park to Hersheypark (one word) the amusement park in the early 1970's. The 1970's were a busy time period for the construction of amusement parks up and down the East Coast. This decade saw the building of many different large sized parks all over the East Coast. These include Walt Disney World (1971), Busch Gardens: The Old Country [now Busch Gardens Williamsburg] (1975), Paramount Kings Dominion [now just Kings Dominion] (1975), and Great Adventure [now Six Flags Great Adventure] (1974) among many others. 

These conceptual sketches come from Hersheypark's Facebook page which I encourage you to Like on Facebook for updates from the park. There is an image of how the characters appear today in cartoon form beside each conceptual image. The images are from 1972 and it is great that Hershey still has them today!

The conceptual drawing of Reese's looks a lot like her iteration seen in my images above from 1993. The conceptual drawing for Hershey Bar, however, looks more similar to his current self than his former. Lastly, the conceptual drawing for Hershey's Syrup looks incredibly similar to how the Tin Man was drawn in L. Frank Baum's original Oz books.

Over the next few days we will continue to look at the evolution of these Hersheypark characters over time so be sure to stop by!

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