Thursday, September 20, 2012

Splish Splash July 1994 (Part 1 of 4)

Welcome back to the Amusement Blog!

I hope you enjoyed the 1994 map of Splish Splash yesterday and today through Sunday we'll be looking at pictures from that trip to the young park.

With my brother being less than a year old (10 months old!) and me being 4 years old at the time of this trip, much of my family's time was spent in the park's Kiddie Cove section, the only section of Splish Splash dedicated solely for family's with small children.

A quick zoom in on the 1994 map from yesterday shows the attractions featured in this section of the park:

-Kiddie Slides

-Octopus Kiddie Pool (spelt incorrectly as Octapus on the map!)
-Kiddie Car Wash
-Elephant Pool

With the exception of the Kiddie Car Wash, all of the other attractions still exist today! Sometime in the later 90's or early 2000's the Kiddie Car Wash was removed for a single Frog Slide and, as seen on the 2012 park map, is now the Kiddie Area Cabanas. You can also see on the 2012 park map how the park has expanded significantly past the Elephant Pool in recent years with the addition of Dr. Von Dark's Tunnel of Terror in 2009 and Kahuna Bay, the park's second wave pool in 2011.

Today's pictures feature the Octopus Kiddie Pool which has changed little since 1994!

So what has changed in the Octopus Kiddie Pool since 1994?

A quick look at a more recent photo from 2009 shows a few things:
-The Octopus himself received a serious coating of pink paint and his face was touched up with a lot of paint to really make his features such as his eyes and mouth stand out. Unfortunately in the more recent photo he looks a little too much like this.
-The original yellow Little Tikes swings have been replaced with replaced with Step 2 Dolphin Swings. A nice themed upgrade if you ask me!

These kiddie swings at Splish Splash have always seemed to be a big hit with the little ones! Amazing how sometimes the simplest concepts can be the best ideas!

That wraps things up for today folks! Thank you as always for dropping by as we approach our 500th view! Be sure to come back tomorrow through Sunday as we finish our look through these 1994 pictures from Splish Splash!

Do you have vintage amusement park or water park pictures somewhere in the house that you would like to share with us here on the blog? Scan them and e-mail them to me! We'd love to see them!

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