Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Hersheypark July 1997 (Part 5 of 5)

Welcome back!

Today concludes our look at Hersheypark from July 1997.

My brother and I have always played the role of Batman and the Joker since he was born. I'm more serious and uptight, my brother always laid back and hysterical. We've complemented each other perfectly for 19 years now, and here are two shots of him at age 3 and I at age 7.

Today's two pictures sum up the relationship I just described perfectly...

Let me tell you folks, much hasn't changed today! Billboard signs like these with cutouts for picture opportunities have existed for ages but definitely have waned in popularity in recent times. I guess with iPhones and iPod Touches (anyone else hate it when people call an iPod Touch an iTouch?) and a million apps galore to stretch, skew, and do this for you there really is no need for them anymore but still...these are awesome! I'm a strong believer that most parks should bring at least one of these back!

Plus, it's a great advertising opportunity for Coppertone in this instance to boot!

Note: The train featured in the picture is currently being restored to go on display at Hersheypark! Pretty cool considering that it's quite the relic from the past!

That wraps things up for Hershey '97 folks! 

If you have any vintage Hersheypark pictures you would like to share please scan them and e-mail them to me at christopher dot mercaldo @ gmail dot com (trying to ward off the spambots here, no spaces between the words and the dots!). If you would like to share them I would be happy to restore them and make a post for them here on the blog! Amusement park history deserves to be shared with the masses and in today's age of the Internet we can really help fill in the gaps of the past and get to enjoy seeing them too!

Tomorrow I'm going digging in the vault for something special but I'll have to keep it a surprise for now! Be sure to check back tomorrow to see what it is, especially you Long Islanders that love water parks!

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