Friday, September 21, 2012

Splish Splash July 1994 (Part 2 of 4)

Welcome back and Happy Friday to everyone here visiting the blog!

We will be continuing our look at a few old pictures of Long Island's Splish Splash water park through the weekend. Be sure to check out our two previous posts which included a look at the park's 1994 Souvenir Map and a look at the Octopus Kiddie Pool in the Kiddie Cove section of the park.

Up first is a shot of the Elephant Pool that still exists in a mostly unchanged state today! 

The only change that I could see was that during a repaint (these attractions see a lot of color fading between the summer sun and somewhat harsh Northeast winters!) the tassels of the carpet on the back of the elephant were painted purple instead of their original yellow color. The newer purple color of the tassels can be seen in this image here.

This pool features several water shooting palm trees and an elephant slide. The slide is accessed by stairs located underneath the mouth of the elephant and the slide goes down his back. An image of this apparatus can be seen here

Our sendoff picture for today is of the big middle slide that is part of the three slide cluster that makes up the Kiddie Slides in Kiddie Cove.

Unlike our friend the Elephant, the Kiddie Cove slides received a new paint job from their basic bone fiberglass color. Here is a shot of how all three of the Kiddie Slides appeared in 2008. As you can see in that image, the center slide now sports a bright yellow paint scheme. The new colors definitely help bring a great deal of color and vibrance to the Kiddie Slides of Kiddie Cove.

Stop back tomorrow for three more pictures of Splish Splash in 1994!

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