Saturday, September 8, 2012


Welcome to the Amusement Blog! For those stumbling upon this page, I hope you find happiness and relive some memories throughout!

My family and I toured up and down the East Coast stopping from amusement park to another when I was a kid. The memories we made at each stop have lasted me a lifetime and are ones I will never forget and that I will always be thankful to have had. Those memories have inspired a lifetime passion and love of the theme park, amusement park, and attraction industry.

I was blessed growing up the oldest of three children in a very loving and very wonderful family. My Dad, my Mom, my brother (born 1993), my sister (born 2000), and I (born 1990) got to experience some of the best of what was around. What was most exciting was seeing so many of these parks evolve over time and seeing what relics remained from years past or had been removed to reside in Yesterland (an inspiration for this blog!).

With the advent of the Internet, Google searches and YouTube provide instant time portals to the past, with nearly everything being able to be found in an instant. Hopefully, like many others before me, I will help fill in the gaps of what remains and provide additional pictures and insights to things that may already exist or be documented on the web.

As I pursue my career within this industry, this blog will also be a great (and possibly interesting) place for one to follow what I plan on being an entire lifetime designing, building, managing, and bettering amusement parks, theme parks, and the industry as a whole.

If you see what you like, feel free to comment and share with your friends a place that I hope will become a special, magical, and inspirational place for all.

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