Tuesday, November 26, 2013

A Book!

Hello again friends!

Today will be a busy day of excitement and postings, as we have a full year to catch ourselves up on!

It is a very exciting time in my life and I am proud to announce that in 2014, in conjunction with Adventureland Long Island and Arcadia Publishing, we will together be releasing Adventureland Long Island, a pictorial history of the famed Long Island amusement park.

I will be sure to let you know as soon as more details concerning a release date are confirmed.

On a side-note, it will be one of the first books in a new color series by Arcadia Publishing titled "Images of Modern America", a spinoff of their famous and popular "Images of America" series found in bookstores across the country.

See any of your favorites on the front cover? Some extinct and some still running today!

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