Sunday, October 7, 2012

Strausburg Rail Road 1997 (Part 1 of 1)

Well folks, as much as I would like to hold myself to a strict one post a day diet it seems like school and work will be keeping me busy!

What this means is slightly less frequent posts but I will still do my best to get as many posts up as often as I can!

We also now feature ads here on The Amusement Blog. These just help keep the bills paid and will be mostly targeted towards things you will read about on the blog. The other day I posted about Busch Gardens Williamsburg and Google provided ads for the park itself and hotels/motels in the surrounding areas. If you see an ad that interests you or pertains to you feel free to click on it.

Now, onto today's business!

Today we find ourselves at the Strausburg Rail Road in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Lancaster is home to all sorts of good things, including many Dutch bakeries, the National Christmas Center, and Dutch Wonderland.

The Strausburg Rail Road (spelt Rail Road and not Railroad in this instance) is the oldest operating railroad in the United States!

Below is a shot of one of the excursion cars carried by the one of the SRC's (the reporting mark of the Strausburg Rail Road) several live steam engine trains.

The Strausburg Rail Road is still rolling on today in Lancaster, PA

That's it for today folks, but be sure to bookmark us and check back soon for newer posts and updates!

Thanks as always for stopping by!

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